Eagle Corporate Finance
accountants & corporate advisors
Professional Fees
Corporate Advice/ ....................................................$200.00 Accounting ................................................................$120.00
Bookkeeping Services ...............................................$60.00
Rates per hour Plus 10% GST.
Company Incorporation
Standard Proprietary Company

Company Incorporation & ASIC ..........................$765.00
Eagle Corporate Finance .................................... $300.00
Total Cost ...........................................................$1,065.00
This incorporation includes a completed bound folder and bank kit for establishing the company's bank account.
Plus applicable GST at 10%
Trust Deeds
Discetionary Trust, Unit Trust
Trust Deed ........................................................ $324.00
Eagle Corporate Finance...................................$300.00
Total Cost before Stamping .............................$624.00
Plus applicable GST at 10%
NSW The Office of State Revenue fees are $500 for the original deed and $10 for subsequent duplicates on top of the above trust deed prices.
Victoria The State Revenue Office fees are $200, regardless of the number of duplicates, on top of the above trust deed prices.
There is no stamp duty payable on Superannuaton Trust Deeds.